The Hypocrisy Surrounding State Licensed Gambling in Texas

The most interesting thing about the state of gaming laws in Texas is their inherent hypocrisy. Texas state officials and legislators do everything in their power to shut down any physical casino or casino cruise that pops up in the state. Yet on the other hand, that same state government runs a lottery. The lottery makes money by offering people a bad bet. Sure, some people win big, but most of the people who play the lottery are essentially just donating money directly to the Texas state government. It is like a statewide casino where the government taxes all of the profits. You can learn more about Texas gambling laws to understand how these elements work together.

The state government does not recognize the apparent contradiction in operating a lottery, which is a form of gambling, while prohibiting other forms of gambling. From the fact that a lottery exists and is run by the state government, it is clear that the state only approves of gambling when it is gambling that benefits the state. If it is gamblers who are playing in casinos, and the state does not get to take a large chunk of the revenue, the state is not interested,. From that point of view, the state can be seen as using its power to shut down all competition to the lottery. The state would like as much gambling as possible to take place, just on its own terms.

In a confusing twist, the state’s relationship with pari-mutuel wagering complicates this picture. Originally, it was a legal way to gamble. In the late 1930s, the state government outlawed pari-mutuel betting and shut down all race tracks. For years afterwards, numerous ballot initiatives came up that tried to reinstate pari-mutuel wagering in the state. After a long campaign, the state re-legalized racetrack betting in 1987. One explanation is that the state government could not ignore the fact that a majority of the people clearly wanted pari mu tu el betting to return to Texas. Considering that significantly less than half of the population of Texas actually bets at races, it is clear that the Lone Star State’s residents are inclined to live and let live with respect to gambling.

The Texas government was forced to accommodate their will. However, the fact that the state attorney general has pursued and shut down multiple casinos means that government officials still oppose gambling at a basic level. The hypocrisy therefore stands revealed as self interest- it is in the interest of the state government to be the only game in town when it comes to gambling, so that they can be the sole outlet for gambling impulses and the sole beneficiary of the money Texans spend on gambling. It sounds cynical, but it is hard to find a different explanation for why the state government and legislation act so selectively with regard to the legal status of gambling. It is this hypocrisy that leaves Texas residents without any other options other than enjoying legally licensed Texas legal online casino gambling.